Sunday, March 30, 2008

To our thousands of listeners...

Hey guys I just wanted to send out a little update. We haven't done the podcast for the latest LOST episode "Meet Kevin Johnson" because, well, we just haven't had time with spring break and other shenanigans. So we're hoping to get back in the "studio" and record our third podcast sometime this week, so don't touch that dial... or keyboard... I don't know.

But we'll have plenty to talk about and it'll give us something to do during this five-week LOST break we're dealing with before the next episode airs. It's called "The Shape of Things to Come," (it shares its name with a book written by H.G. Wells.) and it airs April 24 at a new time - 9 p.m. CST.


Here's a preview for the next episode:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

charlie won the poll. that's right.