Sunday, February 1, 2009

PODCAST 7: "Jughead"

For the first time in this podcast's history, we've recorded three episodes in three weeks. We'll see how long we can keep it up.

Anyway, there's lots of LOST discussion in this podcast, and we bring up some good points to debate about. We cover "Jughead" from top to bottom, so leave us some feedback and vote in the new poll. Hope you enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

I shall enjoy this on my flight to Dallas in the morning.

Stay Lost

Anonymous said...

Said was wrong once.
So I am listening to your podcast. Thanks for the shoutout. I am 30% flattered, 60% creeped out, and 10% confused. What are you buttering me up for?

I totally agree with John--Skybar is such a clusterfuck. That's why you do the Ben Stone Knocked Up reach-over and just grab a beer behind the bartender's back.

955 hits? Unbelievable--and disconcerting. A worrisome side-effect of the recession. No one is out shopping, or going to movies, or taking me out to eat--all those activities have been replaced by the Cock-Cast. What kinds of morons would actually listen to this?

the evidence is mounting against John's sexuality. He has a queen size bed and wants you, Wes, to sleep in it with him.

Another title for the podcast: My Mom's Dick Smells Like Butter.

I traveled back in time and stole John's beer.

I would like some questions answered in the next Cock-Cast:
1.) What is so appealing about this show? I am amazed at your strong convictions about the "theories" and character motivations. Did Lost just have you at "hello"? How did you get into this mess?

2.) Which Lost character are you?

3.) Which Lost character am I?

4.) If you were trapped on a deserted island with John, how would you kill him?

Anonymous said...

My theory on Locke and Alpert...

I believe Alpert has proven to be a time traveler given that he seems to never age. If you recall in the last episode, Locke told Alpert to go back and find him after he was born in order to confirm Locke's story on how he received the compass. At some point after that confrontation Alpert discovers a way to travel in time(hence why he hasn't aged since). This is where it gets deep. Alpert has seen an event in the future in which Locke did something with the knife that Alpert previously presented him as a child in season 4. Whatever might have happened Alpert was trying to change by going back to baby Locke and telling him that the knife doesn't belong to him. I believe Alpert and Abaddon have seen far into the future and are trying to manipulate events in order to meet their interests. At this point in the show I believe the following people have the potential of being time travelers: Locke, Alpert, Abaddon, Faraday, Ben, JACOB, and CHRISTIAN. Sounds crazy but possible.

One more theory...
I believe Widmore is after Aaron. He hired the guys that came after him for a DNA test.

Anonymous said...

I bet you boys play tummy sticks all the time.

Anonymous said...

OooOoOOohhhhhh...I like the Charlotte-Ellie theory. Although. It doesn't HAVE to be Ellie that's her mother. What if the boy that had his neck snapped by young Widmore was Charlotte's future father? OR wouldn't it be fun if Widmore was Charlotte's pop? I would say so...I'm down with the whole theory that Daniel changed something in the past to make Charlotte's future obsolete. Isn't it romantic? (In a tragic heartbreak sort of way) Daniel kills the love of his life - whether knowingly or unknowingly - to save the rest of the island clan. My hero.

HAHAHHHAhAH MATT! Really? "She speaks Tunisian." Sorry sir but the official language of Tunisia is Arabic. (They also speak French)

Anonymous said...

Oh hey. I read an interview with Richard "Guyliner" Alpert. Apparently, he doesn't wear eyeliner at all. He says his eyelashes are just really dark...

Anonymous said...

Wow. Bravo. I LOVE the Locke theory. It's makes me sad that that would be the case but all signs point to yes.

No, no, no, Kate and Sawyer see eachother in the future/present BECAUSE in an interview Evie says Kate sees Sawyer this season and she's so taken aback because she really believe that Sawyer was dead.